Friday, July 10, 2009

Nickel and Dimed Again

Last summer I enjoyed logging into the NBA web site and watching grainy little movies of the NBA Summer League. I caught all the Rockets games, though I was familar with very few of the players. Even so, I enjoyed it and appreciated the league making it available to me.

This year, guess what? The league is charging us $14.95 to watch those same grainy little movies. Bad move, NBA. It's die-hard fans like us that buy tickets to your games and patronize your sponsors. And now you even want to charge us to watch the off-season try-outs. It's things like this that make the general population feel like pro sports players and owners are greedy bastards.

The fact is that the promotion departments of the league and its teams are geniuses. They are corporations putting out a product and they get us to pay to advertise it for them. They've actually got most people thinking it's our civic responsibility to support them. Genius. When is the last time you saw a bumper sticker proclaiming the owner's love of Crest toothpaste or Charmin toilet paper or any other corporate product? I'm telling you, these NBA guys are geniuses - most of the time. This time they screwed up. This is one too many reaches into my pocket. I won't pay. The NBA (Nothing But Advertising) can keep their grainy little movies.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I certainly agree with you. They have priced me right out of the stadium.